CloudSuite Financials:Â
Turks & Caicos Demo Library
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CloudSuite Financials demoÂ
- Dashboards, Collaboration
- Enterprise setup
- Project structure
CSF Technical Presentation
- Technology, Configuration
- Workflow, Integration
- Reporting & BI
TCI Requisitions
- Req Self Service
- Shopping Lists
- Punchout Vendors
TCI Req Approval Process
- Roles, Responsibilities
- Approve, Reject, or Unrelease
- Multi-level
TCI Req to PO Process
- Automation
- Buyer role
- Create PO
TCI Receiving and PO
- Centralized or decentralized
- PO Details
- Drill back
TCI Inventory
- Item Master
- Automatic Reordering
- Location
Tendering  Sourcing
- Supplier Portal
- Awarding Contract
TCI Payables
- Manage Invoices
- Create Invoices
- Approve Invoices
GL Dimensionality
- Chart of Account, Dimensions
- Structures, Hierarchy
- Funding Source
Financial Reporting
- Drag and Drop
- Standard Reports
- Drill Around
TCI Close process and Reconciliation
- Task Types
- Close Administrator
- Reconciliation Manager
Asset Management
- Integrated with Procurement
- Transfers, Repairs, Disposals
- Asset Listings