What Is Business Intelligence?
Your business generates data. Every actionable item can be analyzed and measured and the data it creates can be a key element of an organization’s strategic and tactical business decisions. Business intelligence is a way for your business to examine data to understand trends and other aspects of your business that aren’t readily obvious unless you dig into the numbers.
The key to business intelligence is a robust BI software that collects and analyzes the data and packages discoveries in reports that are easy to read. The Birst BI platform is a rich, simplified, cloud-based end-to-end business intelligence suite that allows you to analyze data sources and present findings in reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts, and maps to provide users with a detailed intelligence report.
Business intelligence tools like Birst will not tell you what to do, rather they are a way to understand trends across different divisions and product lines of your business.
Birst Allows You To Collect And Manipulate Data With Ease
Birst’s fully responsive and integrated business intelligence tools include HTML5 dashboards and visual discovery interfaces unifies traditional separate dashboard and discovery interfaces. Birst’s visual discovery and dashboards require no training or IT intervention and enable true self-service BI analytics across the enterprise.
Birst’s visual discovery interface offers the ability to intuitively explore data with consumer-friendly features like drag-and-drop and double-click, auto-complete search, guided visualizations, and visual filtering.
Networked Business Intelligence – Your Data Flows In All Directions
Networked BI virtualizes the entire analytics and data ecosystem, enabling the transformation of an organization’s approach to analytics. Built on top of a modern, multi-tenant cloud architecture, Birst creates a set of interwoven analytics and BI shares a common data-as-a-service fabric. This enables organizations to expand the use of BI across multiple regions, product lines, departments, and customers in a more agile way.
Networked BI is different, allowing both top-down and bottom-up blending of your data. The result is local execution with global governance, eliminating data silos completely and dramatically accelerating the delivery of BI across the enterprise.
Artificial Intelligence Networked Business Intelligence has arrived.
Leveraging machine learning capabilities, we’re giving people the power to not only understand what is happening in their business, but also why, providing an automated, intelligent, and personalized experience that reduces the dependency on analysts or developers to answer business questions.