
bookmark_borderAvoiding complexity in mergers and acquisitions

Why Cloud ERP during uncertain times


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) bring numerous challenges and complexity across all departments. But IT teams are often charged with providing the underlying infrastructure that will allow the organizations to operate successfully under a new configuration.

This is a big ask and typically occurs with little warning, and regardless of how much ongoing work exists in the day job.

There are plenty of factors that can further complicate this scenario, including when the company is acquired or merged is in a different country with unique reporting and regulatory requirements.

While part of an important growth strategy for the organization, these moves can put tremendous pressure on already taxed IT staff.

Additionally, an outdated IT infrastructure may not easily accommodate the planned integration.

If it is not designed to handle this scenario, that’s when you risk creating organizational silos of data and an extended period to reach your goals.

Avoiding complexity in mergers and acquisitions for IT Departments:

If IT needs to jump through various hoops to provide comprehensive reporting and visibility into the new partnership, the opportunities for errors increase, valuable ROI is lost, and the goals of the M&A activity may be missed.

By moving from on-premises enterprise infrastructure to the cloud, organizations can avoid a potentially devastating business impact while simultaneously optimizing your IT workforce efforts.

Since cloud solutions are designed to be scalable, flexible, secure, and manage variable workloads, they are ideally suited for M&A activities.

Liberty Steel UK was part of an acquisition by Liberty House Group that deployed CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise in both the UK and China, supporting over 1700 employees in those locations.

One of the key benefits identified by Liberty was the offsite deployment of the cloud solution, which freed their IT staff to focus on the strategic initiatives of their growing company.

If you find the themes covered in this blog post “Avoiding complexity in mergers and acquisitions”  relevant to your business, we invite you to download this eBook on how to avoid business-damaging scenarios caused by outdated IT systems.


bookmark_borderHow to avoid disruption from loss of technical expertise

Why Cloud ERP during uncertain times


We continue our blog series on the importance of business continuity by recognizing how the loss of technical expertise can have a potentially damaging impact on organizations with legacy IT applications.

Over time, each organization builds an enterprise ecosystem that uniquely addresses its needs.

This is the natural progression of enterprise business solutions as technology and tools advance.

Avoid disruption from loss of technical expertise: the challenge emerges when only a handful of people understand how to manage and maintain that system successfully and perhaps only one individual truly understands the complete picture.

As these enterprise solutions and corresponding data are the very core of the business, any scenario that puts it at risk is dangerous.

For many organizations, the realization that your go-to people, those who truly understand all the nuances in your enterprise ecosystem, are no longer there comes too late.

Whether this loss comes through resignation, retirement, health issues, or merger and acquisition, you will need to find replacements.

How can your organization ensure the continuity of day-to-day operations with the potential loss of technical expertise?

One of the ways to mitigate this risk is to accelerate cloud migration.

Avoid disruption from loss of technical expertise with a shift to the cloud, your organization is supported by solutions that are continuously updated, and by investment in IT personnel that would be difficult for some of the largest organizations to match.

A small army is dedicated to monitoring your organization’s applications and data to ensure they are optimized and protected.

A recent CIO tech priorities survey by IDG showed that “despite increased budgets and interest in new technologies that can positively impact business in the future, organizations still face familiar challenges to adoption.

The top challenges that IT leaders encounter are lack of sufficient budget (48%), lack of staff (46%), and lack of skill sets (42%).”

By shifting the responsibility of managing and maintaining your critical IT solutions over to a cloud provider with modern applications, your organization can create an opportunity to reset expectations and priorities for your IT staff.

Babbitt Chainwheels is a manufacturer and distributor who relied on a legacy ERP for years.

While the organization faced a number of business challenges, one urgent situation was the impending retirement of its IT staff.

To protect and grow their business, they invested in a cloud solution that would relieve much of that burden.

If you find the themes covered in this blog post relevant to your business, we invite you to download this eBook on how to avoid six business-damaging scenarios caused by outdated IT systems.


bookmark_borderHow to avoid critical system failure

Why Cloud ERP during uncertain times


Even when you do everything right, the unexpected can happen.

Natural disasters strike, equipment fails, and human errors occurs.

While steps were taken to mitigate risk, when disaster strikes, it’s still up to you and your team to race to recover, to ensure actions to get back online are taken correctly, and time is never on your side.

If your organization previously reviewed and dismissed the value of the cloud, it’s time to reevaluate.

Decisions that seemed to make sense last year or even last quarter, likely look very different through today’s lens.

In this Post we focus on critical system failure and how unexpected outages can bring a company’s mission-critical operations to its knees.

Losses can be initially staggering and ultimately far-reaching, impacting not only revenue and productivity but also long-term brand value.

How to avoid critical system failure? It’s been estimated that the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute, with $140,000 per hour on the low end and as much as $540,000 per hour at the higher end.

Absorbing the activities to resolve the issue itself and then putting in place actions across the organization to recover from the critical failure and its consequences can derail an organization for an extended period of time.

But what if you could offload that preparation, training, and responsibility to an organization you trust to manage it all for you?

With a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, experts who are contractually committed to ensuring your business continuity are shouldering that burden.

Not only can you remove that task and worry from your list, but when a failure of some kind inevitably occurs, you will likely never even experience a disruption.

Such is the type of redundancies and fail-safes that SaaS organizations put in place.

But also, with that shift of responsibility, your team can instead focus additional time on other strategic initiatives with higher business value.

By moving from on-premise enterprise infrastructure to the cloud, you can avoid a potentially devastating business impact while simultaneously optimizing your workforce.

An Infor customer in the distribution industry found themselves facing a catastrophic scenario.

They relied on a legacy on-premises solution for over 30 years. How to avoid critical system failure ? while it had been dependable for decades, the day the system failed, there were no longer any technicians familiar with the solution and no feasible way to recover.

The owner decided the only logical step forward in that critical moment was a move to the cloud, which allowed them to recover.

In hindsight, it would have been ideal to begin that transition to the cloud years earlier, but they are now benefiting from more than peace of mind.

In this uniquely challenging environment, operational continuity has never been more important to your business.

If you find the themes covered in our blog post relevant to your business, we invite you to download this eBook on how to avoid business-damaging scenarios caused by outdated IT systems.


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Tableau Free Demo - Data Trends and Covid 19


Principales desafíos de la contabilidad en tiempos de incertidumbre


1. La continuidad  de negocio es una preocupación para la Contabilidad en tiempos de incertidumbre.

    La mayoría de los equipos operan de manera eficiente y dependen en gran medida del conocimiento interno y dependen de sus compañeros.

2. Un entorno de trabajo remoto no es tan fácil tomar decisiones rápidas ycomprender el estado de las cuentas.

3. Igualmente, algunas compañías confían en archivos en papel, carpetas o espacios físicos.

4. Por otro lado hay compañías que no tienen computadoras portátiles para todos los empleados.

5. Múltiples reuniones al día y las reuniones normales sobre la planificación para el fin de trimestre, añaden complejidad al proceso de cierre.

6. El trimestre ya está aquí esencialmente, por lo que hay muy poco tiempo para planificar.

     El desafío de la Contabilidad en tiempos de incertidumbre es del de poder gestionar el cierre con equipos en remoto.

7. Los desafíos económicos están dando lugar a suspensiones y despidos.

8. Las auditorías y revisiones también deben llevarse a cabo de forma remota, lo que requiere la gestión de las listas PBC.

9. La actualización de las proyecciones, los factores de riesgo y otras divulgaciones requerirán nueva información y análisis.

10. Por consiguiente, es importante el seguimiento de las declaraciones de impuestos requeridas.

11. Adopción continua de las nuevas normas contables requeridas.

12. Además los incentivos fiscales y otras reacciones regulatorias a la pandemia están evolucionando rápidamente.

13. Supuestos clave, aporte de juicios y estimaciones contables es probable que cambien.

14. Normativas existentes requeridas no desaparecerán, incluso si se retrasa.

15. Todos estos nuevos factores están agregando más trabajo a los equipos de contabilidad y finanzas.


 ¿Está interesado en conocer el software líder en Cierre Financiero?

Más información en la Serie de Transformación Digital BlackLine

¿Desea un Workshop Gratuito sobre cómo cerrar los libros de manera virtual?

Podemos ayudar a su Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas con los Desafíos de la Contabilidad en tiempos de incertidumbre.

Programe una demo con uno de nuestros especialistas


Desafíos Contabilidad COVID 19


BlackLine le ayuda a ejecutar el cierre financiero contable con confianza 

Solicite una demostración gratuita aquí



 Los recientes eventos mundiales han desafiado a las compañías de una manera sin precedentes, forzándolas a reconsiderar cómo funcionan.

Es necesario redefinir la Contabilidad Moderna para adaptarse en tiempos de incertidumbre.

 Para la contabilidad, esto significa adaptarse a una fuerza laboral distribuida y al cierre de los libros virtualmente.

 BlackLine ayuda a las empresas a adaptarse a un proceso de cierre virtual que genera confianza durante esta crisis y más allá.

      • Ayudamos a unificar sus procesos para lograr consistencia, control y eficiencia.

      • Apoyamos en colaborar desde cualquier lugar impulsando la responsabilidad y la asociación a través de la visibilidad.

      • Hacemos que la adaptación a un proceso de cierre virtual se pueda lograr rápidamente, lo que le permite a los Equipos Contables y Financieros a centrarse en los desafíos urgentes y emergentes.



1. Los equipos de contabilidad deben adaptarse rápidamente para cerrar los libros con una fuerza laboral distribuida en tiempos de incertidumbre.

2. Muchos equipos de contabilidad confían en los procesos tradicionales de contabilidad manual para cerrar los libros.

3. La dependencia de las hojas de cálculo, el conocimiento tribal y la comunicación en persona no es sostenible, ahora más que nunca.

4. La “forma en que siempre se ha hecho” introduce riesgos, ya que las empresas deben cambiar rápidamente a trabajar desde casa y aun así entregar resultados completos y precisos en una fecha límite.



El proceso tradicional de contabilidad manual no es sostenible.

Además, los procesos manuales y las herramientas heredadas consumen la contabilidad.

En tercer lugar, son demasiado caros, no pueden escalar con el cambio y generan riesgos innecesarios.

Desde los contadores hasta los controladores/reguladores y los directores financieros, la forma tradicional de realizar el trabajo de contabilidad causa dolor a todos los miembros del equipo de contabilidad.

Por último, estos desafíos se exacerban aún más en esta era de la pandemia del coronavirus, los equipos de Finanzas y Contabilidad están trabajando en un entorno distribuido y deben mantener el cumplimiento y el control.



  1. BlackLine el software de Contabilidad en la Nube le permite a las compañías cerrar virtualmente, un proceso que sea unificado, colaborativo y alcanzable, desde donde esté trabajando.

  2. Igualmente proporciona una base para un cierre seguro [en tiempos de incertidumbre] al permitir un proceso de cierre virtual que es unificado, colaborativo y alcanzable.

  3. Aún mejor, se puede acceder a BlackLine desde cualquier lugar, se puede implementar y optimizar de forma remota, y permite la contabilidad moderna.

  4. Cabe recalcar que un cierre virtual está unificado: significa construir confianza y claridad mediante la estandarización de proceso y permite la coherencia, el control y la eficiencia con equipos distribuidos.

  5. Un cierre virtual es colaborativo: significa acceso a datos, actividades y progreso.

  6. El cierre virtual impulsa la responsabilidad y la asociación a través de la visibilidad, lo que permite a los equipos trabajar juntos y completar el cierre desde cualquier lugar.

  7. Además, un cierre virtual es alcanzable: la construcción de un cierre virtual se puede hacer rápidamente para un impacto inmediato.

  8. Reemplazar los procesos tradicionales de contabilidad manual permite que la contabilidad moderna se centre en otros desafíos urgentes y emergentes.


Al adoptar la contabilidad moderna en tiempos de incertidumbre, las empresas pueden ganan en confianza, interna y externa.

BlackLine proporciona una base que permite un cierre virtual que es unificado, colaborativo y alcanzable.



Desafíos Contabilidad Incertidumbre


BlackLine ayuda a las organizaciones a adoptar la contabilidad moderna en tiempos de incertidumbre:

      • Entregue resultados precisos con confianza desde cualquier lugar.

      • Cumpla con los requisitos contables y las necesidades comerciales continuas para el análisis del desempeño, la planificación y la toma de decisiones a la luz de esta nueva normalidad.

      • Igualmente cree precisión, control y consistencia en cada proceso.

      • Reduzca los errores y el riesgo con procesos estandarizados unificados en una plataforma basada en la nube con flujo de trabajo y controles integrados en todos los procesos contables.

      • Impulse la responsabilidad y la asociación a través de la visibilidad.

      • La mayor visibilidad hace que el trabajo sea más eficiente, garantiza la confianza en el estado de los procesos y genera una mayor confianza en toda la organización.

      • Además, prepárese y ejecute un control remoto. Administre listas PBC y comparta información de manera eficiente y segura.

      • Finalmente administre tareas y documentos.

      • Conserve documentos críticos y realice un seguimiento del progreso para cerrar y otras tareas clave de Finanzas y Contabilidad en un solo lugar.


Desafíos Contabilidad Incertidumbre


 ¿Está interesado en conocer el software líder en Cierre Financiero?

Más información en la Serie de Transformación Digital BlackLine

¿Desea un Workshop Gratuito sobre cómo cerrar los libros de manera virtual?

Podemos ayudar a su Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas

Programe una demo con uno de nuestros especialistas



bookmark_borderWebinar BlackLine

“Cómo Navegar la Contabilidad y  las Finanzas en 2021”


No es ningún secreto que el 2020 trajo desafíos imprevistos para los equipos de Contabilidad y Finanzas.

Sin embargo, los líderes reflexionaron sobre las pruebas más importantes del año pasado y reconocieron que, después de todo, la mayoría no eran exclusivas del 2020.

La pandemia simplemente exacerbó lo que ya sabíamos: los procesos tradicionales de contabilidad manual no son sostenibles.

Al comenzar un nuevo año, es hora de marcar el comienzo de un nuevo cierre.

Es hora de pasar a la contabilidad moderna unificando datos y procesos, automatizando tareas repetitivas e impulsando la responsabilidad a través de la visibilidad.


En este webinar vamos a compartir:

  • Lo que aprendimos del 2020

  • Por qué la contabilidad moderna es el camino a seguir y cómo BlackLine permite el éxito

  • Cómo los equipos de contabilidad líderes y ágiles se han acercado a la transformación



Solución líder en la Gestión del Cierre Financiero: BlackLine



Aquí puede ver nuestro último webinar gratis

  • Desafíos prioritarios para los líderes de Finanzas y Contabilidad en medio de la crisis COVID-19

  • Caso Práctico de cierre de libros

  • Conciliaciones y Gestión de Tareas con equipos virtuales

  • Acceso al Auditor externo y Regulaciones en remoto

  •  Prácticas líderes para un cierre virtual a corto y largo plazo


Muchos equipos de contabilidad confían en los procesos tradicionales de contabilidad manual para cerrar los libros.

La dependencia de las hojas de cálculo, el conocimiento tribal y la comunicación en persona no es sostenible, ahora más que nunca con los nuevos tiempos.

La “forma en que siempre se ha hecho” introduce riesgos, ya que las empresas deben cambiar rápidamente a trabajar desde casa y aún así entregar resultados completos y precisos en una fecha límite.

El proceso tradicional de contabilidad manual no es sostenible. Los procesos manuales y las herramientas heredadas consumen contabilidad. Son demasiado caros, no pueden escalar con el cambio y generan riesgos innecesarios.

Por eso es necesario más que nunca  el workshop de Cierre de Libros con equipos en remoto.

Desde los contadores del personal hasta los controladores y los directores financieros, la forma tradicional de realizar el trabajo de contabilidad causa dolor a todos los miembros del equipo de contabilidad.



Estos desafíos se exacerban aún más en esta era de la pandemia de coronavirus, ya que los equipos de Contabilidad están trabajando en un entorno distribuido y deben mantener el cumplimiento y el control.


               Click aquí para ver la presentación ¨Cierre Virtual con BlackLine¨


Más información sobre BlackLine

Serie de transformación digital BlackLine clic aquí

Videos cortosclick aquí

Desafíos de los departamentos de Contabilidad con COVID 19clic aquí

Cómo mejorar sus procesos contablesclic aquí



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Give your business the latest in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) capabilities and upgrade SmartStream with Infor CloudSuite.

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            Book a demo with one of our consultants in CloudSuite Financials


Without a doubt, the Key features of the upgrade SmartStream program are:

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                Book a demo with one of our consultants.


The rules have changed

Now this is a coupling modern financial functionality with tools to track supplies and streamline order processes.

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  • Not to mention CloudSuite Financials is a  role-based, data driven, consumer-inspired, mobile enabled, and delivered in the cloud.
  • Definitely this solution gives you the functionality and flexibility to become the finance department you always knew you could be.


Finally, Download this pdf and read it for free and Book a demo with one of our consultants.


This role-based, data-driven, and mobile-enabled integrated suite helps you to redefine financial management technology.


Top 5 reasons to upgrade SmartStream to CloudSuite Financials

  1. You can get Current
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bookmark_borderSmart Solutions dá as boas-vindas ao PROFITLINE em seu programa de afiliados


Smart Solutions International e Profitline se unem para liderar o fornecimento de soluções para o fechamento do balanço financeiro no Brasil

Março, 2020

Smart Solutions & Profitline

A Smart Solutions International, líder em soluções financeiras com mais de 20 anos no mercado norte-americano, caribenho e latino-americano, tem o prazer de anunciar que a Profitline se juntou ao Programa de parceiros afiliados para fornecer as soluções da Blackline para o fechamento financeiro-contábil e conciliação no Brasil.

A Profitline é sua empresa de consultoria financeira, contábil e de controladoria com foco em compliance, processos e gestão através da automação financeira, com expertise local e internacional.

Assumindo um papel de liderança na implantação das mais recentes tecnologias para processos de automação em contabilidade e finanças.

Ambas empresas trazem inovação para o setor de serviços financeiros, oferecendo resultado imediato e mensurável ao cliente.

Profitline             Blackline Gold Partner


A linha de produtos BlackLine complementa o portfólio de soluções da Smart Solutions, focado na excelência operacional de Controladoria, Contabilidade e Finanças.

A BlackLine moderniza as entregas de finanças, contabilidade e controladoria:

  • Cria um fechamento financeiro mais eficiente, rápido e confiável
  • Obtém transparência e visibilidade do processo contábil
  • Permite que as empresas dediquem mais tempo à análise e geração de relatórios
  • Agora, os CFOs podem confiar nos dados para a tomada de decisões em tempo real
  • Melhorar o compliance
  • Mitiga riscos (“findings”, “issues”) nas auditorias internas e externas

Elimine do período e de final de ano entradas manuais fiscais com uma processo automatizado.

Com BlackLine as empresas obtém controle total sobre o processo de fechamento financeiro de ponta a ponta e empodera o time de Finanças no fornecimento de valor estratégico e direciona com inteligencia e em tempo real as operações de negócios.

A Profitline irá ajudar a transformar as empresas do Brasil na padronização de processos, automação tecnológica e análises contínua, permitindo a melhoria contínua da qualidade, precisão dos dados e eficiência das operações contábeis.

Produtos incluídos na plataforma BlackLine:

  • Reconciliação de contas
  • Gerenciamento de tarefas
  • Análise de variações
  • Correspondência de transações
  • Lançamentos contábeis
  • Gestão integridade da consolidação


A BlackLine agora lidera o Garner Magic Quadrant pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, com mais de 3000 clientes e 260.000 usuários em mais de 150 países.

Blackline Magic Quadrant Gartner 2019

Sobre Smart Solutions

Por mais de 20 anos, a SSI vende, implementa e oferece suporte a soluções de gerenciamento financeiro de ponta. O gerenciamento financeiro evoluiu dos dias da manutenção de registros em papel para processos e tecnologias dinâmicos de inteligencia de negocios. Nosso negócio se baseia no fornecimento dessas tecnologias e soluções para empresas de todos os tamanhos.

Para mais informações sobre a Smart Solutions International, visite www.Smartsi.com.

bookmark_borderHow Plan in Times of Uncertainty

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has disrupted businesses around the world, rapidly changing market conditions and rendering most corporate 2020 plans futile and companies need to plan in times of uncertainty.

Definitely, the coronavirus is a stark reminder of the volatility of our global business environment.

In other words, for many C-suite executives, it’s hard enough to accurately budget, plan, and forecast.

Last but not least, we’ll look at what CFOs around the globe can do to quickly respond to changing conditions and ensure business continuity, while improving planning processes and minimizing organizational risk .

Feeling unsure, overwhelmed, or frustrated? Book a demo with one of our consultants on financial planning in uncertain times.


1. Create a Business Continuity Plan

First and foremost, executive leadership and finance teams should focus on developing a plan for business continuity.

In particular, a business continuity plan is an outline of the policies and procedures that will keep your company running during major disruptions.

This can include but is not limited to a reassessment of capital investments, evaluating existing cash flow, and devising a plan to acquire debt.

Moreover, for most organizations, the Office of Finance will play a critical role in the creation of the business continuity plan.

Indeed, to assemble an accurate continuity plan, finance professionals should consider the following to plan in times of uncertainty:

How Plan in Times of Uncertainty

Take a proactive approach to scenario planning with one of our consultants


2. Prepare for a Successful Tomorrow with Scenario Planning

As a result of COVID-19’s impact on the markets, finance teams must consider countless “what-if” scenarios to prepare fo a successful tomorrow with scenario planning, such as:

    • How long will the outbreak last and how will it affect the markets?
    • What unpredicted costs will we incur (i.e. production, real estate, equipment, headcount)?
    • What liabilities might we incur?
    • How will this impact our workforce?
    • How will this impact our revenue and profitability?

Luckily, there are processes and software that can minimize the time, effort, and errors associated with spreadsheet-based planning processes that would traditionally be used to model these “what-if” scenarios.

Clearly, Corporate Performance Management (CPM) software can easily model “what-if” scenarios to provide insight into your businesses’ potential future state, helping you reorganize and plan for a successful tomorrow. 


How Plan in Times of Uncertainty

Take a proactive approach to scenario planning with one of our consultants


3. Leverage the Collaborative Nature of Cross-Company Financial Planning

Never has there been a more opportune time for businesses to leverage agile cross-company financial planning to rapidly plan for the future with a detailed and collaborative approach.

In addition, at the foundation of agile cross-company planning are three pillars:

    1. People – Foster an environment of collaboration by identifying, including, and empowering key roles within your company.
    2. Process – It’s a best practice to map the planning cycle and have regular touch points to follow-up on. It
    3. Technology – Your technology should integrate with all your business systems and enable you to have a single view of your data.


How Plan in Times of Uncertainty

Take a proactive approach to scenario planning with one of our consultants


In fact, the primary benefit of cross-company financial planning is that it centralizes your data from disparate systems and helps companies to plan in uncertainty times.

As such, it is best suited to businesses that have different employees, departments, and systems that handle financial data.

Without a doubt, with a financial planning solution like Prophix, your data is immediately accessible to all users, allowing them to evaluate the financial performance of your organization.


4. Reduce Risk with Rolling Forecasts

With the right tools and processes in place, many companies can create rolling short-, medium-, and long-term forecasts for their company.

Above all, reducing risk with rolling forecasts allow you to “view opportunities and challenges beyond the fiscal year and to fight the myopia that comes with an overemphasis on current-year targets” (CFODive).

 Therefore, Corporate Performance Management software can assist finance departments in compiling and analyzing the data necessary for a long-term forecast, as well as “what-if” scenarios and cross-company budget and planning, which are critical parts of a business continuity plan.


How Plan in Times of Uncertainty

Take a proactive approach to scenario planning with one of our consultants


5. Unlock Your Budget

It’s only April but it’s likely your 2020 budgets and forecasts are no longer relevant. Now is the time to “unlock your budget” and reconsider what line items are critical to your businesses’ success (CFO) and how to plan in times of uncertainty.

In other words, CFO recommends that CFOs “address the risks and opportunities posed by a range of virus scenarios, building high-level models of business cases to quantify the impact to P&L, cash flow, and Balance Sheet”.

Further suggestions include assessing the implications on productivity, investigating potential hidden costs, and addressing driver-based scenarios to plan in uncertainty times.

Finally, this can be done in conjunction with your rolling forecasts to give you a better understanding of all possible scenarios, which can further inform your business continuity plan.

How Plan in Times of Uncertainty

Take a proactive approach to scenario planning with one of our consultants


Plan in Times of Uncertainty

Above all, your business is evolving. Your systems should evolve too.

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