
bookmark_borderTableau Proof of Concept

Contact us for a Free Proof of Concept of  Tableau 


Would you like to find out how Tableau will work for you?

Contact us and we will turn up, connect Tableau to your data and Systems, or use a sample of data set in excel from your Company.

We will run some analysis and reports you need, recommend  some completely new ways to work with your data and leave whole thing for you to test.

Request a Tableau Free Proof of Concept HERE  or contact us via email for more information.


Tableau Proof of Concept


We provide POC (Proof of Concept) type support in the preparation of initial analysis:

1. We will define your reporting needs

2. We will identify the data sources

3. We will prepare a sample dashboard in Tableau on your data


Moreover,  we will effectively test the efficiency, ergonomics, practical use of data, therefore we will right away ensure your business some measurable savings and competitive advantage.

Take part in our Smart Solutions International workshops and you will see how pleasant it is to work with Tableau



Tableau Proof of Concept



Fast Analytics – Connect and visualize your data in minutes.

Speed – Tableau is 10 to 100x faster than existing solutions.

Big Data, Any Data – From spreadsheets to databases to Hadoop to cloud services, explore any data.

Update Automatically – Get the freshest data with a live connection to your data or get automatic updates on a schedule you define.

Ease of Use – Anyone can analyze data with intuitive drag & drop products. No programming, just insight.

Smart Dashboards – Combine multiple views of data to get richer insight. Best practices of data visualization are baked right in.

Share in Seconds –  Publish a dashboard with a few clicks to share it live on the web and on mobile devices.


Tableau Free Demo - Data Trends and Covid 19


bookmark_borderFormación Gratuita de Tableau


Incremente su valor personal con una sesión de Formación Gratuita de Tableau

A medida que la situación económica se recupere, sus habilidades en conocimiento de datos y analítica tendrán una alta demanda.

Por lo tanto, ahora es el momento de conocer  Tableau con una sesión de formación gratuita.

Además, puede obtener la capacidad de responder las preguntas que tenga sobre los datos de su empresa  y desarrollar sus habilidades para el futuro que le brindamos.

  • Aprenda a conectarse a múltiples fuentes de datos

  • Generar dashboards de manera fácil y sencilla

  • Realizar cálculos sencillos y complejos

  • Cálculos avanzados

  • Le enseñaremos a compartir los reportes

  • Capacidades estadísticas

  • …y mucho más


Complete este breve formulario y seleccione “Visualización y Panel Datos” para reservar una sesión con uno de nuestros expertos

También puede probar Tableau Gratis: solicite una prueba/demo gratuita y una licencia de Tableau durante 14 días


Ejemplos prácticos y casos de uso durante la sesión de Tableau



Elegir el Análisis Visual con Tableau

Tableau ayuda a las personas a transformar los datos en información útil para generar un impacto positivo. Conéctese con facilidad a datos almacenados en cualquier formato y lugar.

Haga, rápidamente, análisis ad hoc que revelen oportunidades ocultas.

Arrastre y suelte para crear dashboards interactivos con análisis visuales avanzados.

Después, compártalos con toda su organización y permita que sus compañeros de equipo exploren los datos por sí mismos. Multinacionales, empresas pequeñas y emergentes…

Todo el mundo usa la plataforma de análisis de Tableau para ver y comprender sus datos


Lea aquí el informe sobre análisis visual de Tableu


En Smart Solutions International somos expertos en Analítica e Inteligencia de Negocio con cobertura y recursos para el mercado del Caribe, Centro América y Sudamérica.

Igualmente ofrecemos servicios de consultoría, capacitación y soporte para proyectos relacionados con Tableau y con Analítica e Inteligencia de Negocio.

Contacte con nosotros y le asesoraremos en todo lo relacionado con Tableau, desde una demostración gratuita, prueba de concepto y formación a medida.





bookmark_borderPrueba de Concepto con Tableau


Contacte ahora para una demostración de Tableau con los datos de su empresa 


Ver y entender los datos de su empresa

Contacte con nosotros para realizar una prueba de concepto con Tableau utilizando una muestra de sus datos.

Vea en tiempo real lo fácil que es crear un reporte en cuestión de segundos y combinar diferentes fuentes de información.

Ahora es el momento de conocer  Tableau con una demostración gratuita utilizando una muestra de sus datos.

Además, obtenga la capacidad de responder las preguntas que tenga sobre los datos de su empresa  y desarrolle sus habilidades para el futuro.


Cultura de Datos

En Smart Solutions International trabajamos para lograr que más personas usen los datos en sus tareas diarias en la empresa, entre otras cosas.

El potencial de las personas se libera cuando son capaces de pensar con los datos, y cuando el análisis se basa en formular y responder preguntas en lugar de aprender a usar un software complejo o nuevas habilidades.

Sin embargo, existen muchas barreras entre las personas que confían en los datos y el análisis sofisticado necesario para tomar las mejores decisiones con ellos.

Si ya es cliente de Tableau le podemos ayudar con nuestros servicios de consultoría capacitación y mucho más.

Si todavía no es cliente, solicite una prueba/demo gratuita y le haremos una demostración online con ejemplos de su sector

Le asesoraremos con las mejores prácticas en analítica e inteligencia de negocio.


Vea  aquí nuestros Webinars en abierto de Tableau.

Webinars en Abierto de Tableau



Explique los datos 

Con la opción Explique los datos, puede acceder automáticamente y con un solo clic a explicaciones impulsadas por inteligencia artificial correspondientes al valor de un punto de datos.

Basadas en modelos estadísticos avanzados, las explicaciones son relevantes y están integradas.

Esto ahorra tiempo a los analistas y les permite descubrir información que, de lo contrario, posiblemente no habrían encontrado.


Webinar bajo demanda (en inglés) 

En este fantástico webinar explicaremos  cómo Tableau permite adaptarse a la nueva situación del mercado utilizando los datos de su empresa.

Webinar Tableau


Conéctese a todos sus datos

Conéctese a los datos en las instalaciones físicas o en la nube.

Tanto si se trata de big data, bases de datos SQL, hojas de cálculo o aplicaciones en la nube (como Google Analytics y Salesforce).

Acceda a datos diversos y combínelos sin escribir código.

Los usuarios avanzados pueden dinamizar, dividir y administrar metadatos para optimizar las fuentes de datos.

El análisis comienza con los datos. Aproveche más los suyos con Tableau.



Análisis rápido: conecte y visualice sus datos en minutos.

Velocidad: Tableau es de 10 a 100 veces más rápido que las soluciones existentes.

Big Data, cualquier dato: desde hojas de cálculo hasta bases de datos, Hadoop y servicios en la nube, explore cualquier dato.

Actualice automáticamente: obtenga los datos más recientes con una conexión en vivo a sus datos u obtenga actualizaciones automáticas en un horario que usted defina.

Facilidad de uso: cualquiera puede analizar datos con productos intuitivos de arrastrar y soltar. Sin programación, solo conocimiento.

Paneles de control inteligentes: combine varias vistas de datos para obtener una visión más completa. Las mejores prácticas de visualización de datos están integradas.

Comparta en segundos: publique un panel con unos pocos clics para compartirlo en vivo en la web y en dispositivos móviles.




bookmark_borderInfor EAM: 2021 Best Asset Management Cloud


Designed to help improve asset performance, Infor EAM is a 21st-century enterprise asset management solution with rich built-in industry-specific functionality that uses predictive and preventive technologies to extend asset life and increase efficiency.

Infor EAM is a scalable solution that is accessible on any mobile device, can be deployed in the cloud, on premise, or as a hybrid, and is built on modern architecture.

You will learn during the webinar how to increase assets life, maximice efficiency and improve maintenance productivity.


Ready to see what the cloud can do for you?

Moving an enterprise asset management (EAM) solution from on-premises to a cloud platform can allow organizations to focus on improving asset management practices, rather than on implementing and maintaining an IT infrastructure.

At the same time, organizations gain a scalable, reliable, secure, and accessible solution that enables them to take advantage of modern data analytics and maintain compliance with changing regulations—all for a predictable monthly or annual cost.

Here are nine ways a cloud EAM solution can help improve ROI for any organization to drive better decisions.


Get the eBook

A safe and compliant workplace

Request an Infor EAM Demo now


Getting back to work in a safe and compliant workspace

Now organizations are opening back up for business.

Moreover, ensuring a clean, safe, and compliant workplace is a critical component of doing so.

But where do you start? It is time for Infor EAM (Enterprise Asset Management)

Therefore, check out this infographic for tips on ensuring a healthy work environment.


See the infographic 

A safe and compliant workspace

Request an Infor EAM Demo now


Five steps to ensuring a safe, productive, and compliant workplace

Firstly you can visit this Checklist—5 steps towards a safe and compliance workspace.

A part from this the current global environment is changing the rules of what it means to operate in a healthy environment.

Furthermore, organizations across industries are rising to the challenge of creating safe and compliant workspaces.

Now on production facilities across industries are raising the bar of what it means to operate in a safe and healthy environment.

Finally, systemized and digitized asset management is replacing manual, error-prone processes to ensure efficiencies, uncompromised clean standards, and regulatory compliance.

 Read this 5-step checklist for creating a modern maintenance plan that goes beyond official guidance and helps prepare for a successful future.

A safe and compliant workplace

Request an Infor EAM Demo now



Rebuild a safe and healthy workplace with Infor EAM

Infor EAM is a world class solution for enterprise asset and work management needs to rebuild a safe and compliant workplace.

Additionally Infor EAM adds substantive value to safe and clean operation.

Today is a logical next step for organizations in the post-pandemic era.

Finally it helps leading organizations reach new levels of efficiency.


Infor is a scalable and dynamic solution

Firstly users gain control and visibility of operating and maintenance costs.

Second it helps to reduce energy cost.

Finally, Infor EAM is a flexible, powerful, and proven solution.

1.  First, Infor EAM ensure clean practices by maintenance and operations staff.

2.  Above all supports modern pos-pandemic “safe and clean” operation concerns.

3.  Also identify assets at risk during a state of pandemic.

4. You have to be ready for changing expectations, regulation and compliance standards.

5.  Finally, you can move from preventive to prescriptive with automation.


Read this 5-step guide to understand how to rebuild a safe, productive, and compliant workplace. ​

Above all how to operate in a safe and clean working environment is a challenge in modern-day operations and maintenance.

In addition to this there are new hygiene and safety regulations for companies to follow.

Specially tracking requirements and new rules for your asset management operations.

Furthermore, find out the practical steps your company can take today to get people back to work safely and productively. ​


Download the guide

Request an Infor EAM Demo now


Infor EAM – Video


Designed to help improve asset performance, Infor EAM is a 21st-century enterprise asset management solution with rich built-in industry-specific functionality that uses predictive and preventive technologies to extend asset life and increase efficiency.

Infor EAM is a scalable solution that is accessible on any mobile device, can be deployed in the cloud, on premise, or as a hybrid, and is built on modern architecture.

You will learn during the webinar how to increase assets life, maximice efficiency and improve maintenance productivity.

Join the Raffle at the end of the webin

          Request more information and free Demo here

bookmark_borderDemostración Gratis de Tableau


Demostración y Workshop personalizado de Tableau

A medida que la situación económica se recupera, sus habilidades en conocimiento de datos tendrán una alta demanda.

De ahí la razón de Tableau. 

Ahora es el momento de conocer  Tableau con una demostración gratuita.

Además, obtenga la capacidad de responder las preguntas que tenga sobre los datos de su empresa  y desarrolle sus habilidades para el futuro.


Reserve aquí una demo y workshop gratuita o en nuestra web


Si ya es cliente de Tableau le podemos ayudar con nuestros servicios de consultoría capacitación y mucho más.

Si todavía no es cliente, solicite una prueba/demo gratuita y le haremos una demostración online y le asesoraremos con  prueba gratuita.

Vea  aquí nuestros Webinars en abierto de Tableau.


Descárguese aquí el informe sobre las tendencias en Big Data


Demo Tableau


Análisis rápido: conecte y visualice sus datos en minutos.

Velocidad: Tableau es de 10 a 100 veces más rápido que las soluciones existentes.

Big Data, cualquier dato: desde hojas de cálculo hasta bases de datos, Hadoop y servicios en la nube, explore cualquier dato.

Actualice automáticamente: obtenga los datos más recientes con una conexión en vivo a sus datos u obtenga actualizaciones automáticas en un horario que usted defina.

Facilidad de uso: cualquiera puede analizar datos con productos intuitivos de arrastrar y soltar. Sin programación, solo conocimiento.

Paneles de control inteligentes: combine varias vistas de datos para obtener una visión más completa. Las mejores prácticas de visualización de datos están integradas.

Comparta en segundos: publique un panel con unos pocos clics para compartirlo en vivo en la web y en dispositivos móviles.



Acceda AQUÍ a nuestros Webinars en Abierto

Webinar de Tableau



bookmark_borderInfor Syteline – ERP in the Cloud


The manufacturing industry is changing

You may be wondering, “why should I invest in a modern ERP?” and the answer is, the manufacturing industry is changing.

Therefore, new business models, products, locations, and regulatory concerns must be supported, and old technology may not be able to support your business in the new environment.

Finally, it’s time to familiarize yourself with these technologically advanced, ERP systems.


Download the White Paper

Request a Demo

Cloud ERP delivers customer and industry innovation

In the first place, you’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about cloud ERP—one of the biggest trends in the market, right now.

This is because present-day organizations are choosing to focus on their businesses instead of managing on-premise systems, by moving to cloud ERP solutions.

Of course, Companies that have moved their ERP to the cloud have enjoyed higher uptimes, greater visibility into usage, and more time to improve adoption and usage.

Therefore, watch this video featuring Constellation Research analyst R “Ray” Wang to learn more.


Watch de video

Watch de Video

Request a Demo


Infor Syteline – The perfect ERP in the Cloud

Firstly, as your business grows and your reporting and information needs to expand.

Consequently….you will find you need a robust, scalable, and industry specific enterprise software solution with Syteline…the perfect ERP in the cloud.

Infor’s software is an advanced, customizable, cloud-based solution that will give your company the tools it needs to be competitive in a global, information-based environment.

Infor Syteline is designed to be the last software upgrade your company will ever need.


Improve business productivity and agility with modern ERP

In today’s fast-moving, quickly changing, increasingly competitive business environment, bandages and bubblegum will no longer suffice.

Second, Today’s organizations need complete enterprise-wide visibility and the ability to collaborate across the business.

Subsequently, companies in 2021 need the agility and flexibility to quickly respond to a changing market while growing the business to take advantage of new opportunities.

Moreover, staff and departments need a modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

Briefly, a modern ERP system allows you to run a data-driven business and provides the tools you need to access, share, and leverage that data in order to make business decisions to not just survive, but thrive.


Modern ERP requires an organization-wide cultural change

The goal of a modern ERP system is to bring your people together with shared goals.

This requires a major cultural shift in thinking across the enterprise.

Therefore, it requires a data-driven mindset across the business.

In conclusion, while much of that change is typically driven by management, enlisting change agents from all levels of the company can give employees a sense of ownership toward the changes they’re about to undertake.



Download the White Paper

Syteline ERP Cloud

Request a Demo

Key Capabilities of Infor Syteline ERP in the cloud

  1. Planning and scheduling
  2. Quality Management
  3. Supply chain Management
  4. Financial Management
  5. Project Management
  6. Collaboration Portals


Myth-busting the agile ERP

There are many common misconceptions in the manufacturing industry, leading some IT professionals to believe that agile practices can’t go hand-in-hand with ERP transformation.

But the truth is—a variety of agile practices can deliver game-changing returns.

Learn the truth about the agile ERP.


View Infographic

 Syteline ERP in the Cloud

Request a Demo



Infor Gold Partner

bookmark_borderA Safe and Compliant Workplace


Infor EAM – Webinar on Demand


Designed to help improve asset performance, Infor EAM is a 21st-century enterprise asset management solution with rich built-in industry-specific functionality that uses predictive and preventive technologies to extend asset life and increase efficiency.

Infor EAM is a scalable solution that is accessible on any mobile device, can be deployed in the cloud, on premise, or as a hybrid, and is built on modern architecture.

You will learn during the webinar how to increase assets life, maximice efficiency and improve maintenance productivity.


Ready to see what the cloud can do for you?

Moving an enterprise asset management (EAM) solution from on-premises to a cloud platform can allow organizations to focus on improving asset management practices, rather than on implementing and maintaining an IT infrastructure.

At the same time, organizations gain a scalable, reliable, secure, and accessible solution that enables them to take advantage of modern data analytics and maintain compliance with changing regulations—all for a predictable monthly or annual cost.

Here are nine ways a cloud EAM solution can help improve ROI for any organization to drive better decisions.


Get the eBook

A safe and compliant workplace

Request an Infor EAM Demo now


Getting back to work in a safe and compliant workspace

Now organizations are opening back up for business.

Moreover, ensuring a clean, safe, and compliant workplace is a critical component of doing so.

But where do you start? It is time for Infor EAM (Enterprise Asset Management)

Therefore, check out this infographic for tips on ensuring a healthy work environment.


See the infographic 

A safe and compliant workspace

Request an Infor EAM Demo now


Five steps to ensuring a safe, productive, and compliant workplace

Firstly you can visit this Checklist—5 steps towards a safe and compliance workspace.

A part from this the current global environment is changing the rules of what it means to operate in a healthy environment.

Furthermore, organizations across industries are rising to the challenge of creating safe and compliant workspaces.

Now on production facilities across industries are raising the bar of what it means to operate in a safe and healthy environment.

Finally, systemized and digitized asset management is replacing manual, error-prone processes to ensure efficiencies, uncompromised clean standards, and regulatory compliance.

 Read this 5-step checklist for creating a modern maintenance plan that goes beyond official guidance and helps prepare for a successful future.

A safe and compliant workplace

Request an Infor EAM Demo now



Rebuild a safe and healthy workplace with Infor EAM

Infor EAM is a world class solution for enterprise asset and work management needs to rebuild a safe and compliant workplace.

Additionally Infor EAM adds substantive value to safe and clean operation.

Today is a logical next step for organizations in the post-pandemic era.

Finally it helps leading organizations reach new levels of efficiency.


Infor is a scalable and dynamic solution

Firstly users gain control and visibility of operating and maintenance costs.

Second it helps to reduce energy cost.

Finally, Infor EAM is a flexible, powerful, and proven solution.

1.  First, Infor EAM ensure clean practices by maintenance and operations staff.

2.  Above all supports modern pos-pandemic “safe and clean” operation concerns.

3.  Also identify assets at risk during a state of pandemic.

4. You have to be ready for changing expectations, regulation and compliance standards.

5.  Finally, you can move from preventive to prescriptive with automation.


Read this 5-step guide to understand how to rebuild a safe, productive, and compliant workplace. ​

Above all how to operate in a safe and clean working environment is a challenge in modern-day operations and maintenance.

In addition to this there are new hygiene and safety regulations for companies to follow.

Specially tracking requirements and new rules for your asset management operations.

Furthermore, find out the practical steps your company can take today to get people back to work safely and productively. ​


Download the guide

Request an Infor EAM Demo now


Infor EAM – Video


Designed to help improve asset performance, Infor EAM is a 21st-century enterprise asset management solution with rich built-in industry-specific functionality that uses predictive and preventive technologies to extend asset life and increase efficiency.

Infor EAM is a scalable solution that is accessible on any mobile device, can be deployed in the cloud, on premise, or as a hybrid, and is built on modern architecture.

You will learn during the webinar how to increase assets life, maximice efficiency and improve maintenance productivity.

Join the Raffle at the end of the webin

          Request more information and free Demo here

bookmark_borderAccounting Challenges in Uncertain Times

Traditional manual accounting process are not sustainable.

Manual processes and legacy tools consume Accounting.

They’re overly expensive, can’t scale with change, and breed unnecessary risk.

From staff accountants to controllers and CFOs, the traditional way of getting accounting work done causes pain for everyone on the accounting team.

These challenges are further exacerbated in this era of the Coronavirus Pandemic, as F&A teams are working in a distributed environment and must maintain compliance and control.

   Top Challenges Facing Accounting  Challenges Amid in Uncertain times Response:

1.  Continuity is a concern, as most teams operate lean and rely heavily on tribal knowledge or a single resource to perform critical tasks.

2. A remote working environment is less efficient in the short term, as it’s not as easy to make quick decisions, understand status.

3.  Some companies rely on paper files, binders.

4.  Some companies don’t have laptops for all employees (remote shared service centers don’t always provide equipment for remote working).

5.  Multiple meetings a day on top of normal meetings about planning for quarter end, what’s changing.

6.  Quarter-end is essentially already here so there is very little time to plan.

7.  Economic challenges are resulting in furloughs and layoffs, leaving A&F resources concerned about job security.

8.  Audits and reviews must also be conducted remotely, which requires management of PBC lists, and both substantive and control testing to be reevaluated.

9.  Financial reporting will be a significant challenge, as updating projections, risk factors, and other disclosures will require new information and analyses.

10.  Tracking of required tax filings.

11.  Continued adoption of required new accounting standards (revenue, leasing).

12.  Tax incentives and other regulatory reactions to the pandemic are evolving rapidly and must be considered in results.

13.  Key assumptions and inputs to accounting judgments and estimates are likely to change and will require additional effort and impact results.

14.  Existing regulatory requirements (i.e. adoption of new accounting standards, filing of tax returns) will not go away, even if delayed.

15.  All these new factors are adding more work to the plates of already busy accounting & finance teams, making it even more important for them to focus on what matters most.


Couple these new challenges with those already present with traditional manual accounting processes, and the need to modernize accounting processes has never been more urgent.

The time is now.

Are you interested in learning about the leading Financial Closing software?

Do you want a Free Workshop on how to close books virtually?

We can help your Accounting & Finance Department with the Challenges of Accounting in uncertain times.

Schedule a demo with one of our specialists

Desafíos Contabilidad COVID 19

bookmark_borderModern Accounting in Uncertain Times

BlackLine Helps You Confidently Execute Financial Accounting Close In Times of COVID

Request a free demo here


Recent world events have challenged companies in unprecedented ways, forcing them to rethink how they operate.

Modern Accounting needs to be redefined to adapt to times of uncertainty.

For accounting, this means adapting to a distributed workforce and virtually closing the books.

 BlackLine helps companies adapt to a virtual closing process that builds trust during this crisis and beyond:

1. BlackLine  helps you to unify the processes to achieve consistency, control and efficiency.
2. Moreover, it supports collaborating from anywhere, promoting responsibility and association through visibility.
3. Finally, BlackLine makes adaptation to a virtual closing process achievable quickly, allowing Accounting and Finance Teams to focus on urgent and emerging challenges.



1. Accounting teams must adapt quickly to close the books with a distributed workforce in times of uncertainty.
2. Many accounting teams rely on traditional manual accounting processes to close the books.
3. Reliance on spreadsheets, tribal knowledge, and in-person communication is not sustainable, now more than ever.
4. The “always-done way” introduces risks, as companies must quickly switch to working from home and still deliver complete and accurate results by a deadline.



The traditional manual accounting process is not sustainable.

Additionally, manual processes and legacy tools consume accounting.

Third, they are too expensive, they cannot scale with change, and they create unnecessary risk.

From accountants to controllers / regulators to CFOs, the traditional way of doing accounting work causes pain for all members of the accounting team.

Lastly, these challenges are further exacerbated in this era of the coronavirus pandemic, Finance and Accounting teams are working in a distributed environment and must maintain compliance and control.


BlackLine Cloud Accounting software enables companies to virtually close a process that is unified, collaborative and achievable, from wherever you are working.

It also provides a foundation for secure closure [in uncertain times] by enabling a virtual closure process that is unified, collaborative, and achievable.

Even better, BlackLine can be accessed from anywhere, can be remotely deployed and optimized, and enables modern accounting.

It should be noted that a virtual closure is unified: it means building trust and clarity through process standardization and allows coherence, control and efficiency with distributed teams.

A virtual closure is collaborative: it means access to data, activities and progress.

Virtual closure drives accountability and partnership through visibility, allowing teams to work together and complete closure from anywhere.

Plus, a virtual closure is achievable – building a virtual closure can be done quickly for immediate impact.

Replacing traditional manual accounting processes allows modern accounting to focus on other urgent and emerging challenges.

By adopting modern accounting in uncertain times, companies can gain confidence, internally and externally.
BlackLine provides a foundation that enables virtual closure that is unified, collaborative, and achievable.



BlackLine helps organizations embrace modern accounting in uncertain times:

1. Delivers accurate results with confidence from anywhere.
2. Meets ongoing business needs and accounting requirements for performance analysis, planning, and decision-making in light of this new normal.
3. Also creates precision, control and consistency in each process.
4. Reduces errors and risk with standardized processes unified on a cloud-based platform with integrated workflow and controls across all accounting processes.
5. Drives accountability and partnership through visibility.
6. Greater visibility makes work more efficient, ensures confidence in the state of processes, and generates greater trust throughout the organization.
7. Also, get ready and run a remote. Manage PBC lists and share information efficiently and securely.
8. Finally manage tasks and documents. Preserve critical documents and track progress to close and other key Finance and Accounting tasks in one place.



Are you interested in learning about the leading Financial Closing software?

Do you want a Free Workshop on how to close books virtually?

We can help your Accounting & Finance Department with the Challenges of Accounting in uncertain times.

Schedule a demo with one of our specialists


bookmark_borderCustomer Roundtable: Success with Smart Close Webinar

Join this webinar HERE for an overview of Smart Close, which will highlight key use cases and customer successes.

                              Tuesday, August 11, 2020 — 10:00 AM PT/ 1:00 PM ET

Businesses today face increasing pressure to have strict financial controls.

These demands combine with the already difficult task of working within an SAP® platform.

To meet financial controls and have clear financials, you simply can’t rely on manual entries—your company needs an automated financial close.

Unfortunately, some software forces you to enter information offline, which puts your finances at risk.

Your company requires live, dependable data to meet the demands of modern business.

For data you can trust, you need BlackLine

1. Close inside your SAP environment

2. Automate for efficiency & save time

3. Work with always up-to date information

4. Access insight on demand

5. Global closing with local task flexibility

6. Integration with finance controls

7. Role-based workflows


Join this webinar for an overview of Smart Close, which will highlight key use cases and customer successes.

                              Tuesday, August 11, 2020 — 10:00 AM PT/ 1:00 PM ET

Our panel of customers from Energizer, Stora Enso, and ZF Group will discuss their close automation journeys and address common questions, including:

  • Key challenges they faced before deploying Smart Close

  • Their implementation approach and timeline

  • Processes they’ve automated and benefits they’ve achieved